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Every facet of my life 
inspires me

Being a global citizen, as a part of an emerging sustainable world community, I respect the principle of cultural diversity. I also find the beauty in realising the similarities ,differences and equality among people from all cultures.

Being a father of two - I learn to be curious like a child, explore new things, ask questions without prejudice, see things in different angles, and forever learn about what I do not know.

Being a husband - it teaches me to be a good listener, to be more understandable and showing appreciation in all kinds of relationships.

Being a trilinguist - speaking English, Cantonese and Mandarin almost everyday, I am amazed by how a message can be delivered in different ways.

Being a gym-goer - I understand the keys to achieve what you want is to be focused, to be disciplined, endurable and self-motivated.

About Me: Bio
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